Enticement Corner

Monday, January 09, 2006

Humble Beginnings

After days of reading rants on the web in my spare time and getting all worked up over reading people's ill-informed opinions on their blogs (which are completely unfunny as well) about issues that are dear to me, I have decided to start my own rant on my own soap box!

This blog will attempt to present well researched opinions and the research behind them. However it will not have the semblance of a 'fair and balanced view', if you cant deal with that, move on. I will read and respond to well thought out comments, not rants.

Here you will find topical information, discussion of contemporary issues and sometimes my rants on things which may be far out there, all packaged and presented in a nice, easy to read sort of semi serious, sarcastic (actually sometimes sardonic) tone.

"If, we are, what we repeatedly do,
Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." ----Aristotle


At January 11, 2006 at 6:41:00 PM PST, Blogger Ramses said...

Thank u for visitng my[other] blog: http://o3.indiatimes.com/applesandwomen

appreciated ur views..:) sorry am in a hurry now so can't go thru ur blog...will chk later...and be a regular here:)
just a q..how did u know i was ramya?

At January 11, 2006 at 9:40:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well researched opinion ......did u mean to say well researched facts??, coz an opinion is only as well researched as one thinks!!!!! and when it comes to thinking u know the wavelenght right!!!!

So u not going to respond to rants, but u might be writing rants urself eh!!!!!! Hmmmmmm!!!!

U are promising the moon!!! Goodluck to you!!!!

and yeah welcome to the bloggers world.


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