Deballification of India
Now I promised people I would write about Australia but I have never been good about keeping promises, have I? Additionally I had promised to present the research behind my opinions, but I realized why research? Especially when saying it so much simpler... So you are on your own, if you doubt any of my opinions, please google it and if you still think it does not add up, it probably is not true and I made it up. I used what is given to every born artist, artistic license. So if you are willing to suspend your disbelief and listen to some truth....
I just saw "Munich". It was thought provoking and also saddening. The story is about the 1972 Olympic hostage situation in Germany and how Israel handled it. After 11 of their athletes were killed, they spent several millions to kill the 11 people behind the attack. The movie then captures the story of a group of people who are given unlimited funds to kill the perpetrators. Now the movie is silent on who(the British) actually created the problem. Who went around the world redrawing maps. I did not expect an American to exposeBritish Hypocrisy... But that is a topic for another blog. Believe me, it would be fun to know that London was looted by all the countries that Britain looted, the queen is paraded naked in a Hutu village and made to grovel before being sent to Australia which itself is nuked off the planet. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to know that England has been cut into 100 little countries that will keep fighting with each other for the next several generations. After all Churchill did it. But this post is about India... So lets get down to it.
Now why should every Indian watch this movie? It will make you realize how successive Indian generations (since the 1200s barring a few handful people) have lacked the testicular fortitude (aka the balls) to protect our land. India lost its balls when Emperor Ashoka laid down his arms after a victory in battle defending India (in the BCs) and converted to Buddhism. That is when India lost its balls. To be ashamed of killing your enemy in defense. India lost its balls when Rana Pratap let Ghouri live, not once (as is the popular belief) but 17 times! before he came back the 18th time along with his other Arabian cronies and killed Rana and plundered India. India lost its balls when Gandhi was born. India lost its balls when Indira died. She had more balls than all our other prime ministers (before or after her) put together. 14 days before her assassination, she had made plans to attack Kahuta where Pakistan's nascent atomic program was taking shape. Thats right boys and girls, AQ Khan was playing with his nuclear toys. Pakis were making a lot noise because they anticipated an Israel (Israel routinely and pre-emptively bombs its neighbors to keep them in control) style attack. The Americans of course were with the Pakis and lo and behold, after Indira nothing got in their way. They built themselves a nice bomb and they not only built it, they supplied it to Iran, North Korea etc. Now of course there is lots of talk of the Paki bombs being actually Chinese made and so are their Hatf missiles purported to be nothing more than modified M-11s. Bush is sleeping with the enemy when he turns a blind eye to the people who have REALLY threatened world order by selling nuclear weapons to everyone else but IRAQ. Thats right all you rednecks living in Texas, Crawford is missing its idiot! There are ameoba on Saturn who have more IQ than he will ever have.
But I digress. This blog is not about American hypocrisy and how it hurts eveyrone including themselves but it is about what are we, as Indians doing to make sure our borders are safe? NOTHING!!!!!!!!
During the 1962 chinese agression, MS Aiyar (the current Petroleum Minister) was busy raising money for the chinese war effort. The Left parties (aka CPI and CPI-M, CPI-ML and all those low lifes) were busy preparing for the Red Revolution. And today these people are ruling India in 2006!!!!!!!!!!!! Democracy you are such a bitch!!!!!
What happened to Azhar who was released by the Indian authorities in exchange for the hijacked IC814 plane and flown to Taliban occupied Afghanistan? He went to Pakistan, dared Indian government to touch him and then helped plan th 9/11 attacks. Now I know what you are thinking, serves the Americans right for ignoring what we have been saying since 1982! But thats where you are wrong.... What have we done besides only complaining and whining? Why do we release men like Yasin Malik? Why do people like him openly advocate Pakistan and not be afraid of being incarcerated for treason? Because our government has neither the will nor the balls to do anything.
Now that we have established we dont have balls, you may ask me, why dont we have balls? Well the answer is simple. What is your identity? Can you tell me? What do you mean when you say "I am an Indian" what is Indian? Gautam Budha was an Indian and a pussy. So was Akbar and Aurangzeb. Both were Mughal bitches. Are we proud of these people ? NO! We need a strong sense of identity. Now dont get me wrong, I am not advocating Hitler type identity and motivating people through hate. I am talking of a sense of identity in the fact that India was the cradle of human civilization. Our values are thousands of years old and no Arabs or pakis or chinese are going to come anywhere near to achieving the greatness our civilization had achieved back in the 6000 - 1500BCs. Why can the Arabian Nights talk of 'Hindoos being lower than humans and fit to be stoned to death' ? Because we dont respond in kind. Now dont get me wrong, I dont care what Arabs tell their young-uns to put them to sleep. My point is why dont we ban this book instead of banning Satanic Verses?
Our democracy and value system has been hijacked by the same type of people who have hijacked the American democracy (Cheney, Karl and Rumsfeld), self serving bitches, except our politicians come with an added qualification of being spinless bed-wetters....
We desperately need heros like Shivaji, Bajirao Peshwa, Savarkar, Nathuram, Sardar Patel, Bhagat Singh, Swami Ramdas etc etc. See we dont have a dearth of heros, but all these people have one thing in common, they exist in the past and they are hidden away from you by the Communist (the Marxists) who wrote your history text books. Under Arjun Singh, XI and XII graders are studying heros of the VietCong because these Marxists and Leninists think they are more important than Shivaji. And what do you elite do? Nothing... I am sure none of you will vote in the next election either....
SO until the next time, Mazel-Tov
PS: This blog is not about preaching hate against any particular group of people (except the spinless politicians) but to just present my view of history! Thats right, to quote Colbert "Open wide baby bird, mama's got a big fat night crawler of truth, and Daddy will tell you all you need to know". I am not preaching war against the queen or anyone, just that people get some balls and vote this spineless government out (and while you are at it, God, please impeach Bush, he has killed enough... and yeah kill that prat Robertson.. also while you are at it, throw Tom in prison for the rest of his life... and kill..... ). Now lets see if Pats God kills more Supreme Court judges or if my God kills him first. Oh God! how you tantallize us with your blessings... I tell you people She is such a bitch!
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