Enticement Corner

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Deballification of India - Part deux

This piece will focus on china... those 4 feet tall people who have swarmed our markets with their cheap delicious goods. I keep promising to write on Australia, but never do. I guess one important reason is, they dont matter much in the world. Australia is like the unwanted boil on the buttock of this world. Me exposing Australia and boycotting them would be like, O'Reilly boycotting the French. Neither the french nor the australians matter much to todays world. One are caviar eating wine guzzling bunch , the others are racist, descendants of hardened criminals banished from the civilized world. The Aboriginees are the civilised ones in Australia.

However, to TCB: Some years ago I had a conversation about China with one of my university professors and he concluded by saying "China is not the enemy anymore, times have changed". I respectfully told him that China will always be the enemy as long as their hegemonious intentions dont change.

At the bottom of China's disputes with India are their nefarious intentions to extend their borders. They claim the Indian states of Kashmir, Arunachal Pradesh, Bhutan, Sikkim and the kingdom of Nepal. This is AFTER they have conquered, militarily, the kingdom of Tibet. Anyone remember Dalai Lama? He is the deposed leader of Tibet. Instead of spreading knowledge about Tibet's fortunes, he is busy shaking hands with Madonna or hollywood celebrities while millions of Tibetians languish in the slums of Delhi after having fled from China's imperialistic and constricting rule. China attacked Tibet in the East, has attacked Korea and holds the world hostage indirectly, by directly influencing North Korean policy. China attacked India. Of course it was not so easy as it was attacking tibet. They control approximately 30,000 square Km of Indian territory.

Now lets look at the problem from historical perspective... Traditionally, china has been a nation of pussies, trying to protect themselves from small nations like Mongolia. Where they have gone wrong is that for the last 10,000 years India has culturally ruled China without sending one soldier across the himalayas. They did not invent gun powder and neither could they count. Remember Hsuen Tsung (Did I mis spell his name? even their names are alike). They were culturally bankrupt and will remain so (Co incidentally, today, culture is just 1.99$, made in China), until the Chinese bubble bursts. How can, a country that built a wall around itself to keep foreigners out, claim territory that lies outside those walls?

Lets face it, the only reason why they can do so is because their government is not weak-kneed (read has balls). They are united (and they all look alike!) in their imperialistic (or as they call it in China impeliaristic) designs. Make no mistakes, Hu Jintao and his clique will not lest untir they have conqueled asia. it is in their interests to keep India and Pakistan balanced and fighting. No wonder why everytime India develops a new missile, China sends its yellow equivalent to be painted green in Pakistan. However, the current government is in power due to a political party zealously loyal to china and Mao. CPI-ML stands for Communist Party of India - Marxists Leninists. They have changed your history books, to replace your heros with heros of the Vietcong army. I mean what kind of crap is that? Vietcong? How many know about that? Importantly how many Indians should (and do) care? Instead of cultivating a strong sense of nationality, a sense of identity, they are hijacking our identity and you are losing, we are all losing to this dragon. There was a big hue and cry when George Fernandes said "China is enemy number 1, not pakistan". The indian commies said it was a low blow! Today these people are in power, deciding how much electricity to generate, what is the legal age of statutory rape, what is the legal limit of alcohol content when you are driving, what is Indian and what is not!

India needs to grow some balls, get a sense of Identity and lose the commies, what better way than to send these commies to China, to live in their utopian hellhole.

And no you cant disagree with me, in today's America (aka Free world) you are not entitled to your opinions, just your version of facts and I am not much of a facts person anyway. As long as everybody has the same opinions, it becomes easy to protect our individual freedoms (BTW if you can expand on this philosophy and make it sound more delicious and freedom loving, please contact Rep. John Boehner of Ohio , he may have a job for you).

P.P.S.: In case you are wondering how to pronounce his name, it is pronounced (BEHNER and not BONER).


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