A bird in hand....
one question which begged answering by Manmohan and Bush answered to some extent:
"Aren't you just rewarding India for bad behavior?"
Bush talked of how times have changed etc and how 'nucular' energy will help lessen the burden on oil.
What Manmohan should have added:
India is unlike any other country. We are not a 'rogue' nation infact no other country has a long history of peaceful coexistence. We do not need nuclear weapons to be great and no nation or country can deny us our place in the annals of history not just for science, technology, philosophy, medicine but for our tolerance.
This week Howard is coming to town. now I personally would like to say "Bring it on Bitch!" But Manmohan has to go begging and ask for uranium! I cant believe this... Vajpayee had more cojones and blocked off Australia until they came begging on their knees. As a country Australia has not detached themselves from England a 10,000 mile umbilical cord still attaches Canberra to London. Thats fine! But keep your dirty criminal-descendant noses out of other people's businesses. How would Australia feel if India tomorrow started campaigning for all the whites to leave country and return to England and free the aboriginees, they deserve to be free! After all they are the civilised ones, you are the grandchildren of hardened criminals banished from civilised society! When India tested nuclear weapons in 1998, Australia reacted strongly. For a country living under American nuclear umbrella, it just reeks of hypocrisy.
So to all the self respecting Indians : we all have a long way to go in establishing our sense of pride, our sense of identity and a good way to start would be by establishing what kind of nonsense we tolerate from non entities like Australia.
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