Enticement Corner

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Balls people..... balls

So all you kids know that India creamed England in the second test... You are all congratulating yourselves about how Zaheer was brilliant etc etc.. But what escaped everyone because we won was that the dirty-minded red neck Australians did all they could... I can not, for the love of God and everything that is holy on this planet, understand why even in two-fucking-thousand-seven we cant find a non-racist fair umpire to officiate in matches where Asian countries are playing...
Before we go any further.. You can watch the horrible decisions here. After the press Conference Simon Taufel said he knew Sachin was not out but didnt bother to call him back. This is in direct contrast with how he called back an English player a week before this from the dressing room after he realized he made a mistake. So, he calls an English player back on the field but not an Indian player. Not to mention the fact that the second decision was so horrible, Geoff's grandma could have seen that Ganguly didnt touch the ball, even with a blindfold on. Then why didnt he call them back after he saw his decisions were wrong, knowing fully well he had given the English players the same courtesy?
Cry me a river already but isnt this something the BCCI is supposed to do? Ohh thats right.. we are talking of the same BCCI that has to go begging to get assholes like Greg Chappell to coach for us.. Why? Dont we have enough talent in India/Sri Lanka/West Indies... even England? Theres two countries that are beneath contempt when it comes to Cricket.. Australia.. professional sledgers and cheats.. and who can forget South-fucking-Africa.. racist farmers.. we are talking about people who until the late 90s considered racial segregation a morally upright practice. I mean these people will take 2 or 3 generations to to get to the point where we should even pee looking in their direction..

But I digress... this post is not about South Africa.. but Australia... those racist pigs not fit to be in the same continent as us.... I mean when will we, as Indians, value ourselves enough to demand to be treated fairly? Or are we going to hide behind.. "but this is good for cricket" ... or "we are playing honestly..." No.. fuck that.. this is not about the game.. who gives a crap about the game ? When you walk with a shirt that says "India" on the back... it ceases to be merely about a game.. you have millions of people's respect, dignity, hopes riding on your back.. and you need to show balls... Sreesanth did very well.. he noballed and bowled a few bouncers.. Bodyline anyone? Of course the British media went bonkers ..... how could the darkies use a tactic the English themselves perfected....?

I want the BCCI to ensure Simon taufel doesnt officiate in any matches involving South Asian countries... I also think the time has come for the west indians to decide where their loyalty lies... to countries stuck in their Imperial past or the future...


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